

Development of a numerical calculation method for the flexible representation of multiphysical processes in a fuel cell stack.

Project duration: 2014 bis 2016 

Merkle Partner Fuel Cell Stack

Development of an electrochemical thin-wall model and determination of the required parameters from single cell measurements. 

Development and simulation of a 3D straight single channel model with detailed geometry mapping .

Development of an effective and homogeneous porous medium capable of reproducing the detailed geometry using a straight single-channel model as an example. Application of the developed modeling method at the cell level and experimental validation of the results. Stack development and overall system modeling using the developed abstraction approach. Investigation of different flow arrangements between anode, cathode and cooling with respect to the optimal operating conditions and experimental validation of the results. 

Work breakdown:

  • Merkle & Partner Development of the simulation models 
  • DLR Accompanying measurements and experiments 

The project goals were partially achieved. There are still discrepancies between experiments and calculations regarding electrochemistry. 

Project Type/Project Partner:

ZIM Kooperationsprojekt 
Merkle & Partner GbR 


2014 bis 2016 

Acronym/Funding Indicator:


Project sponsor
