
On a knife's edge - or, what virtual models can never teach you

After the world around us swoons in the face of a virus and even my beloved weekly…


German Angst - how we regularly drive the same pigs through the village

The term "German Angst" is already proverbial in the world.
When I look back over my…


Cracks after the fall: Why smartphone displays break only sometimes.

We all know the emotional shock when the smartphone slips out of your hand and hits…

Merkle Partner CERN and breakfast rolls

What CERN has to do with your breakfast roll

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is investigating what happened…


Merkle CAE Solutions GmbH opens further branches in Wolfsburg & Erfurt

With more than 31 years of company history, the engineering office Merkle & Partner…


Wind loads - how can you protect yourself against storm damage?

In our series of articles on hedging against the effects of nature, the following…


Plastics Symposium 2019 - Designing for plastics in theory and practice

After a successful kick-off in 2018, Merkle & Partner again took the opportunity to…


What do eggs and battery cells have in common?

Eggs should be kept at as uniform a temperature as possible when hatching and feel…


How can you protect yourself against earthquakes?

In our series of articles on natural catastrophes - how to protect yourself, we take…


Natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, massive heavy rain, wind loads, hurricanes - how can you protect yourself?

It feels like the news about natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and…