
Trials on virtual humans? - How simulation helps optimize medical products

Clinical investigations usually take a long time and are extremely expensive. In…


Thermal management with CFD - So that exactly this does not happen!

During the development of a sports car, in which we were involved, an even more…


Fiction and truth - what mistakes you can make when designing seals

For a building seal, we had the task of developing a seal in such a way that when it…


Trial vs. simulation - the never-ending story of who is right now

Since I've been involved with simulation, there's been this argument between the test…


Damage analysis - so you can use the simulation to specifically find and eliminate the cause of damage!

A tube bundle dryer shows cracks at the header after 2 years of operation. A…


Germany in a state of acquiescence? - Open your mouth!

I had some difficulty with the title, as Germany is said to have coped best with the…


Gear lubrication 3.0 - temperature is at the top of our customers' wish list

For more than 10 years now, we have been dealing with the simulation of oil…


Diffusion - or why a plastic bucket full of water doesn't just get bigger because of water pressure Merkle-CAE-Solutions-GmbH-getriebeölung-3.0

This process is called diffusion. Diffusion also takes place in solids, for example,…


Experiments in the home office? - Virtual test rigs fit into even the smallest apartment

We currently only reach many of our customers in the home office.

Tests to see how…


Heavy rain at Vogelherd UNESCO World Heritage - on the hunt for new simulation topics

Since we as a company are committed to being ahead of the curve, I am always on the…